26. ledna 2008
Spřátelené blogy
1. spřátelený blogísek
- Autorkou je lucinka.
Blog je např. o CSI (Las Vegas a Miami), NCIS, Bones, Harry Potter ...
Adresa je: http://tifossi.blogspot.com/
2. spřátelený blogísek
- Je to blog GSR - Grissom Sara Romance od Sary.
Strašně pěkný blogísek o těchto dvou postavách z CSI LV.
Adresa je: http://csi-gsr.blog.cz/
3. spřátelený blogísek
- Tento super blog je o všech třech kriminálkách. O Las Vegas, Miami i New York.
Majitelkou je Neana.
Adresa je: http://csis.blog.cz/
4. spřátelený blogísek
- Super bloček od Barušky. Je celý o Kriminálce Las Vegas a hlavně o Gilovi.
Adresa je: http://gilouskovo-csi.blog.cz/
5. spřátelený blogísek
- Tento blogísek je od Sary Sanders. Najdete tady moc věcí o CSI LV, o hercích, postavách atd.
Adresa je: http://sarasanders.blog.cz/
6. spřátelený blogísek
- Majitelkou je Charlotte71. Blogísek je o Gregu Sandersovi, ale dozvíte se něco i o jiných postavách CSI.
Adresa je: http://greggo.blog.cz/
7. spřátelený blogísek
- Tento blogísek patří Katushce. Je celý o Kriminálce Las Vegas.
Adresa je: http://csi-lv.blog.cz/
8. spřátelený blogísek (pozastaven)
- Tenhle pěkný blogísek je od Lyli a najdete tady nejen CSI, ale i Grey's anatomy.
Adresa je: http://lylaweb.blog.cz/
9. spřátelený blogísek
- Tanto blogísek je od Sary Sidle.
Je celý o CSI Las Vegas a jsou na něm i skvělé povídky.
Adresa je: http://krim-lasvegas.blog.cz/
10. spřátelený blogísek
- Blogísek je od Nici Sanders a je zde mnoho věcí o CSI, ale i další zajímavosti. Tak se sem koukněte a uvidíte.
Adresa je: http://nica-sanders.blog.cz/
11. spřátelený blogísek
- Tady najdete spoustu zajímavostí a foteček k CSI Las Vegas. Doporučuje se na něj podívat :o)
Adresa je: http://melonka-csi.blog.cz/
12. spřátelený blogísek
- Tento blog je od týnky a je fakt super, najdete tady hl. povídky a ty nemají chybu. Tak honem číst...
Adresa je: http://gsrcsilasvegas.blog.cz/
21. ledna 2008
18. ledna 2008
Jaký bych sem dala nadpis?? :-))
A včerejší díl byl fakt nářez, nejlepší z celé šestky. Fakt jsem z něj nadšená.
7. ledna 2008
3. ledna 2008
Goodbye Sara and Thank you Jorja
Poklona stvořiteli :)
mimochodem, našla jsem ho tady
2. ledna 2008
1. ledna 2008
Jorja - wallpapers, baners
Je to tady, v dnešním díle Jorja /Sara/ odchází, ikdyž ji asi neuvidíme naposledy, tak alespoň trošku Jorji pro vás...
Zdroj: http://photobucket.com
Producentka CSI říká, že se Sara ještě vrátí !! - překlad
/článek přesenesen z mého 2. blogu z 14.12.2007/
Nyní Jorja Fox oficiálně potvrdila nejhorší tajemství v televizní branži - opouští CSI příští měsíc po sedmi letech v kriminalistické laboratoři. Můžeme se začít soustředit na důležitější věci v životě. Určitě by jste chtěli vědět zda se ještě vrátí. V rozhovoru s Carolem Mendelsohnem zvažuje okolnosti jejího odchodu. Objasňuje zprávy, že Sara bude zavražděna. Fanoušci by raději zemřeli, než neslyšet že se Sara vrátí.
Carol říká: (ve zkratce) Jorja požádala o odchod a ačkoliv by jsme ji všichni viděli dále v 8. a 9. řadě, člověk to musí respektovat. Ikdyž se pro konec rozhodla, nemyslím si, že by to nějak ovlivnilo těch pár měsíců. Jorja byla vždy číslo 6 na seznamu …
Vrátí se ještě?
Mendelsohn: Ano, je to možné.
Tuto sezónu?
To nemůžu říct, ale fanoučci neviděli ještě to poslední ze Sary, ani z Grissoma.
Můžete nazvat její odchod jako oboustrané rozhodnutí?
Ne, bylo to Jorjino rozhodnutí. A my jej akceptujeme. Myslím, že občas fanoušci nechápou, že scénáristé jsou také fandové CSI a my Saru milujeme, rádi pro ni píšeme. A nebude lepší herečky než je Jorja. Je fenomén a nejlepší pro tuto roli. Bude těžké ji říci sbohem, alespoň pro teď.
Myslíte si, že její návrat bude před koncem sezóny v květnu?
Nemůžu říct přesné datum, ale ano.
Říkalo se, že původní plán bylo ji zabít ve finále, ale Jorja odmítla takový odchod. Je to pravda?
Ne. Jako fanoušek nebo scénárista - obzvláště, když vidíte výlevy fanoušků na podporu Jorji a Sary v show - to byla spekulace. Nemyslím si, že zabití Sary může být cesta k jejímu uspokujícímu odchodu.
Jak ji vrývíte zpátky?
To nemůžu říct. Prozradí to poslední díl (807), z kterého se to vyvrbí.
Můžete objasnit finální scénu? Jako kdo s ní bude?
Jorja s Jorjou.
Bude sama sebou?
Jak fanoušci reagují na Jorjin odchod?
Je ohromující kreativita našich fanoušků. Měli jsme dvě čokoládové krabice se vzkazem: "CSI bez Sary, bez nás." Dále kytice z červených, růžových a bílých balónků a polibky a zprávou: "Udržte Jorju v CSI, jinak nám to zlomí srdce." Další dvě záchranné krabice se vzkazem: "Jste Sařini zachránci, jste naši, udržte Jorju Fox v CSI." Dostávali jsme peníze z celého světa v kampaní Dollars for Sense. Kim West a její přátelé ze Severního Irska nám poslali 60 liber poznámek a čtyřstránkový dopis. Je ohromující kolik lidí miluje Jorju.
Chcete ji zpátky a prosíte ji o to?
Je konec. Jorja se rozhodla to udělat chce jít vlastní cestou.
Nemyslím, že Grissom je jako hrdina. Samozřejmě je zde Lady Heather…Grissomova rodina je tým.
Zmínila jste se o Lady Heather. Objeví se v této řadě?
Co myslíte? My opravdu o tom nemůžeme mluvit. Ale tato možnost je otevřená. Máme rádi Melindu Clarke.
Řekněte nám něco o dnešním díle.
Je to opravdu styl CSI. Scénu napsal David Rambo a on a Jackie Hoyt napsali epizodu. Už měsíc jsme se bavili jak to bude. A na konci série jsme měli plán, že se Gil a Sara vrátí do San Francisca, protože se tam poprvé setkali. A poslední dny Griss najde včelím a … bude tady hodně scén mezi nimi.
Překlad k tomuto článku: http://jorjaas.blogspot.com/2008/01/producentka-csi-k-e-se-sara-jet-vrt.html
Producentka CSI říká, že se Sara ještě vrátí !!
Tak tenhle článeček jsem našla na blogu od Sárinky, najdete ho tady.
Jak tak vidím budeme si muset počkat na vysílání, protože každý den přichází jiné správy o "odchodu" Jorji ... naděje, ale pořád je ;-)
Definitivně se vrací?
Mendelsohn: Ano. Můžete s tím počítat.
Tuto sezónu?
Mendelsohn: To nemůžu říct. Ale fanoušci neuvidí poslední ze Sary Sidle. A také ne z Grissoma.
Tak říká Carol Mendelsohn, jeden z producentů CSI, hovořící o Jorjiném odchodu z CSI s Michael Ausiello v TV Guide.
Ale i tak, lepší by bylo kdyby hrála v každém dílu.
Ofic. článek tady: (časem ho Vám snad přeložím ☺ )
Now that Jorja Fox has officially confirmed the worst kept secret in the TV biz - she's ditching CSI next month after seven years in the forensics lab - we can start to focus on more important things in life. Like, you know, her return to the show! In her only interview, CSI's top gun, Carol Mendelsohn, weighs in on the circumstances surrounding Fox's exit, responds to published reports that she considered killing her off, previews tonight's big marriage proposal, and utters the words grieving fans have been dying to hear: Sara Sidle will be back.
Are you bummed that something couldn't be worked out to keep Jorja around?
Carol Mendelsohn: I am very bummed. You know, it's been something we've been facing for a while now [so] I've given it a lot of thought. When Jorja expressed her desire to move on - even though I would have loved nothing more than to have had her here for Season 8 and Season 9 and on - you [react] as you would in any family: You love the person and respect them and want them to be happy and fulfilled. If this was the very end for Sara Sidle on CSI, I don't think I could have handled the last few months. But it's not. Jorja was always No. 6 on our call sheet. We're retiring No. 6, so it's there for Jorja when she comes back.
She's definitely returning?
Mendelsohn: Yes. You can count on it.
This season?
Mendelsohn: That I can't say. But the fans will not have seen the last of Sara Sidle. Nor will Grissom.
Would you describe her departure as a mutual decision?
Mendelsohn: No. It was, in the end, Jorja's decision. And we accept it. I think sometimes the fans don't really understand that the writers are fans of the show, too. And we love Sara Sidle. We love writing for Sara Sidle. And, as an actor, it doesn't get better than Jorja. She's phenomenal. So, yeah, it's heartbreaking [for me], as well as for the cast and the crew. I'm almost tearing up now because it's very hard to say goodbye, even if it's [just] goodbye for now.
Did you know she was leaving before you shot the season finale last April?
Mendelsohn: Yes. I didn't have a definitive date, but yes.
There were reports that the original plan was to kill her off in the finale, but Jorja refused to show up to work and shoot her death scene. Is that true?
Mendelsohn: No… I don't, as a fan or a writer, embrace killing off characters - especially when you see this outpouring that we have gotten from the fans in support of keeping Jorja and Sara on the show; it has just been mind-boggling. [We] owe the fans so much and I don't think killing off Sara Sidle would have ever been a way to pay a satisfactory ending for Sara.
So what kind of send-off are you giving her?
Mendelsohn: I'm not telling you. [Laughs]
Mendelsohn: As the season unfolds through November, there is a character arc threaded through the episodes for Sara Sidle. And it is something that will build and build and build until the episode in which she departs, sometime in November.
Can you shed any light on the final scene, like who's in it with her?
Mendelsohn: Jorja is in it with Jorja.
She's by herself?
Mendelsohn: Yes.
What do you make of the intensity of the fan reaction to Jorja's exit?
Mendelsohn: It has been astounding. It's incredible how creative our fans are. We got two cases of chocolate covered insects with the message "CSI without Sara bugs us." We got a bouquet of red, pink and white balloons with Hershey kisses and the message was, "Don't break our hearts, keep Jorja Fox on CSI." We got two large cases of Lifesavers with the message, "You were Sara's lifesaver, now be ours, keep Jorja Fox on CSI." They've been sending money in from all over the world [as part of the] Dollars for Sense campaign. One woman named Kim West from Northern Ireland, she and her friends sent in 60 pound notes, and she wrote a four page letter. It's just been overwhelming how many people love Jorja.
Did you go back to her and beg her to reconsider?
Mendelsohn: I had done everything that I could. But in the end, I respect Jorja. This is something that she wanted to do, and I would never stand in her way. She's coming back at some point anyway.
How long before Grissom is ready to move on?
Mendelsohn: Oh my God. I don't think that Gil Grissom is the kind of guy that moves on quickly. I was thinking about how Gil Grissom thinks about time, and there's an Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore, who said, "The butterfly counts not months, but moments." I think Grissom thinks about time that way. I wouldn't count on Gil Grissom moving on.
What about a little fling here and there?
Mendelsohn: Well, you know, gosh, I don't think of Grissom as a flingy kind of guy. Of course, there is Lady Heather... Grissom's family is the team, and moving forward, you know, that's what Grissom will focus on. His team. His family.
Speaking of Lady Heather, will she be back this season?
Mendelsohn: You know what? We haven't really talked about it. [But the door is] always open. We love Melinda Clarke.
What can you tell me about tonight's episode - specifically the marriage proposal?
Mendelsohn: It's very CSI-style. David Rambo wrote the scene and he and Jackie Hoyt wrote the episode. We have been talking for months about how to do this. And, originally at the beginning of the season, we had a plan to take Grissom and Sara back to San Francisco, because, as we all know, that's where they first met. And then last week, Grissom found this beehive and it just occurred to us what the scene should be, and I love it. I love it. And again, there are many, many more scenes between them in the last few episodes and they're all terrific.
Jorja opouští CSI !!! :-(((
/článek přenesen z mého 2. blogu z 16.10.2007/
Tak už je to potvrzené, Jorja opouští seriál. Sice v větnu podepsala smlouvu na osmou řadu, ale jen na pět dílů. Jak sama říká, má k tomuto rozhodnutí osobní a trošku i profesionální důvody.
Bez Sary už to nebude ono :-(((
Jorja Fox makes it official: She's leaving 'CSI'
CSI's Jorja Fox - the 39-year-old actress whose tenure on TV's No. 1 drama almost ended in 2004 when she was temporarily fired during tense contract negotiations - has quit the show. She wrapped production on the drama last week. Fox told EW.com exclusively that her decision to give up the role of Sara Sidle had nothing to do with money and everything to with wanting a break from the commitment of a weekly television series.
"There are all these things I want to do. Some are personal. Some are professional. And I really need to do some of them before I get too old," explains Fox. "If I thought the show were on its last legs, I would have tried harder to stay the course. But I feel like its going to be around for a while, so if I don't want some of those dreams to pass me by. I have to get off the ride for a while."
Fox said CBS had invited her back for an eighth season (her contract expired in May) but she was only interested in signing on for a limited number of episodes. She'll appear in five more this season - her last in mid-November - before saying goodbye to TV's top-rated drama. For more on EW.com's exclusive interview with Fox, check back on Wednesday.
Zdroj: www.jorjafox.net
To snad ne!
Sara Sidle sice přežije v poušti v Dead Doll, ale Jorja se s CSI už rozloučila. Nepotvrdila sice, že zkončí po pár dílech, ale podle novináře Ausiella, její smlouva končí na konci sedmé série a je jen otázkou času, kdy CSI opustí. Podle infornací by se to mělo stát do konce tohoto roku.
Na otázku, co způsobilo její potenciální odchod ze seriálu a ostatní zvěsti, nemůže odpovědět, protože je vázána smlouvou. Takže na pravdu si budeme muset počkat
Rozhovor s Jorjou po odvysílání 801.
Jorja Fox by Andrew Macpherson/CBSHow's this for a twisty turnabout: Even though Sara Sidle survived her run-in with CSI's Miniature Killer in last night's gripping season premiere, her time on the show has nonetheless come to an end. Multiple sources confirm that Jorja Fox - whose contract expired at the end of last season - will depart the hit procedural this November after failing to come to terms on a new long-term deal. And although Fox doesn't outright confirm her exit in the following exclusive interview, the actress did open up about the difficulty of keeping Sara's fate a secret all these months, her residual "hurt" feelings following her firing in 2004, whether the conclusion of the Sara-Grissom love story will be satisfying to viewers, and why she will never address those persistent tabloid rumors.
Congratulations on surviving the Miniature Killer.
Jorja Fox: Thank you! It wasn't easy! [Laughs]
Was it as physically grueling to shoot those scenes as it appeared?
Fox: It was so much more fun than I thought it was going to be. Traditionally, I'm the wimp of the cast. I'm the one who's more sensitive to the blood and stuff. I was so happy to get through it without even a scratch. Of course, everyone took such amazing care of me. I really do believe that we have the best stuntpeople and the best special-effects people in the business. I knew I was in very good hands, but I was nervous, for sure.
I imagine it had to have been pretty hot, shooting in the desert.
Fox: I think it was more grueling on the crew. I had a couple of days where I got to the desert at around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. By the time I got there, it had cooled off to around 104. [Laughs] We sent one person to the hospital the first day with heat exhaustion, but he was fully recovered by the next day. I was lucky because I was wet for a lot of the episode, and that really took the edge off.
Was it always the plan for Sara to survive? Reports surfaced last spring that Sara was actually supposed to die in the finale, but you had refused to show up to shoot your death scene.
Fox: Well, you know, Mike, you can't believe anything you read in those gossip magazines. And for all of us who were invested in the integrity of the story, we didn't want to say yes or no to any of those reports, because we didn't want to [ruin the outcome for viewers]. But none of that stuff is ever true. I was really flattered that people were that interested in me, though. [Laughs] The biggest challenge was keeping my mouth shut. Whenever you start reading stuff like that - especially if it's not super-flattering - the first thing you want to do is defend yourself. So it was challenging to sit quiet and wait. I'm so thrilled that the wait is over. I had to lie to my relatives, I had to lie to my friends…. It's hard.
Well, since you don't have to keep the secret any longer, can you state for the record that there was no truth to reports that you skipped work because you didn't want to shoot a particular scene?
Fox: The reason I'm going to barely answer this question is because I made it a point in my life not to address anything that's written in those magazines. And I feel like if I start now, there's a whole litany of stuff over the last seven years that's been written about me, and I don't want those guys to think I'm ever going to answer to them, because I'm not going to. It pertains to CSI, it pertains to my personal life… And I decided a long time ago that I was going to stay out of it. I was going to let the fiction that they print read like fiction. I know people enjoy those magazines, but I'm not going to engage. So in that way, I'm going to almost not answer your question. But what I can say is it was true that my contract was up, and so CBS and I had been in active conversations since about January of '07.
We're hearing that you are leaving the show after only a handful of episodes. What happened?
Fox: Again… I can't answer those questions right now. I would love, at some point in the future, to talk with you again. Because I am under contract with the show at this point, I'm not actually allowed to talk about storylines that haven't aired yet. So since I've already been sitting in a pile of secrecy since last April, I'm going to have to keep the secret a little longer. I apologize. [Laughs]
OK, well, let's discuss the fact that your contract is up. What's been going through your mind?
Fox: It's interesting, I've never had a job in my life where my contract ended. In TV you're so lucky if you can be on a show for two years. It was a really sort of profound and strange feeling to be coming - at least contractually - to the end of a run. My contract was the first to come up. The contracts for all the other regulars on the show will be up at the end of this year.
Why did yours come up sooner?
Fox: As is tradition in the business, every couple of years, people put in for a raise. And a couple of years ago everybody put in for a raise, and I decided not to take the raise that was offered me. And If I had taken that raise, it would've added a year to my contract. I'm the only one who didn't take the raise.
Did you want to keep your options open?
Fox: Not at all, actually. Doing this show has been one of the most rewarding things in my life. It's almost intangible to be able to describe how much I love and respect everybody over there. At the time, there was a lot of drama at our show. A lot of people had been put through the ringer, and to be perfectly frank with you, I was uncertain at that point [about staying]. There were some hard feelings that went around, and I didn't want to enlist for any extra time at that point. I was feeling a little hurt and angry by some of the events that happened a couple of years ago that relate to the firing of myself and George Eads. And so, at that point, I wasn't sure if I wanted to give anybody any extra time. And the raise was terrible, to be frank. An extra year for that amount of money? No thank you. Thank you very much, it's very flattering, but no thank you.
Were you ever bored by the constraints of acting in a procedural?
Fox: I never was. I've been one of the luckiest people in the history of TV getting to play the character of Sara. Almost since Episode 10 in Season 1, I've had a lot to do. My character has had a very full personal life. I've gotten to have several boyfriends. I've had a couple meltdowns. I was almost killed a couple of times. They almost blew me up once. I feel like the writers have been extremely generous in terms of giving me a lot to do, especially all the interesting relationship stuff between Sara and Grissom. I've always had mountains of subtext to do, all under the umbrella of this procedural, which actually made it more fun. I always thought of CSI as an action-adventure show. I know that a lot of folks call it a procedural. But I feel like our goal every week is to have the audience sitting up on their couch instead of lying back. It's very edge-of-your-seat, and there's a lot of suspense. So, for that, it's been amazing for me. Almost more than anyone, I've been blessed with subtext.
It was a nice moment when Sara and Grissom connected at the end of the episode. What's next for them?
Fox: The cat is out of the bag now. They've been having this secret affair - for an undetermined amount of time, which we will get into a little more in Episode 2. Like, just how long have these two been seeing each other? There's going to be a wealth of information that we're going to find out about Sara and Grissom in Season 8. We shot five episodes so far, and I think it's going to be a really exciting, interesting season. The writers have done a phenomenal job. There have been so many twists and turns already, and little bombs that we've dropped, I'm already blown away. I'm like, "Where's this going? We're only in Episode 5."
Exec producer Jonathan Littman confirmed over the summer that the Sara-Grissom story would conclude this season. Your thoughts?
Fox: I can't contradict what one of our producers said, but I can only tell you from my experience, I don't think you're going to get that. This might sound vain, but the story of Sara and Grissom is a little like a fable. And most great fables don't really have 100 percent resolution.
Do you think fans will be satisfied with how the story is wrapped up?
Fox: I pray that they're satisfied. It's a really tricky, difficult thing to do. When I was hired back in 2000, I was the last cast member added. They decided they wanted to add a character after the pilot got picked up. And in my little explanation of my character, it said clearly, "A love interest for the character of Grissom." And then, pretty quickly, the writers changed their minds about that; they weren't sure if that was the direction that they wanted to go in. There were so many stories to tell at that time. But, in the meantime, Billy and I as actors - because that's what we had been hired to do - sort of played this beat that we had been told about. So, it's a very tricky thing to have characters on TV start having an affair. I hope that people have enjoyed it. It's been a complete joy for me to play. And the funny thing about our show is, from the very beginning, about 50 percent of our audience wanted more personal-life stories, and 50 percent of our audience just wanted us to stick to the procedurals. The writers know that, no matter what story they're telling, they're letting down somebody. And that's a hard thing to do. So I think they made a decision that they really just had to write from their hearts and hope that people would come along for the story. I think that's what Billy and I have done, too. I don't know if [viewers will] be satisfied. And I stay away from the blogs. I use to check them a little bit when the show first started, but I realized that I was getting really attached to people's approval. And I'd get really freaked out if they didn't like something. So I decided that the only way I could sort of stay true to this character was to just be her and not focus too much on what people were thinking.
How's your relationship with William Petersen?
Fox: I sit every once in a while and I think about plays and films I can do with William Petersen into our eighties. He's the most incredible scene partner I've ever had. And again, I've never had the opportunity to work with somebody for seven years like that. It's a really unique experience as an actor to have a scene partner for that long. And then at the end of the seven years to think more highly of them than you did in the first year, to find them even more complex and interesting…. He's a great friend and I feel like I couldn't have scored any higher than getting William Petersen to be my boyfriend on TV. It's been amazing.
What else do you have on your plate professionally?
Fox: I have a couple of things in the works. I've had this theater company for a long time and I'm working on a new play. I don't want to talk too much about that right now. But in a couple of months I'd love to talk more about it.
I'm guessing Fox may be ready to talk about it on Nov. 9, which is the day after her final CSI is slated to air. The title of her swan song is, appropriately enough, "Hello, Goodbye." And although Fox may have been forbidden from discussing her impending CSI sayonara, you guys are under no such gag order. Does the thought of a Fox-less CSI have you clutching your pearls? Predictions on how they'll write her off the show? Thoughts on her unofficial exit interview? Speak your mind in the comments section below!
Zdroj: http://www.tvguide.com/